Bin Gui

2024 Fall, Topics in Operator Algebras: Algebraic Conformal Field Theory

Course description

In this course, we study 2d conformal field theory (CFT) in the framework of algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT). In AQFT, a quantum field theory is formulated as a family of operator algebras acting on a fixed Hilbert space H satisfying certain axioms. In this setting, we will construct rigorous models of 2d chiral CFT. Our first main goal is to give rigorous proofs for the PCT symmetry of these models, the Bisognano-Wichmann theorem (which relates the dilation symmetry and the PCT symmetry to the Tomita-Takesaki theory of von Neumann algebras), and the Haag duality. Our second goal (if time permits) is to construct braided tensor categories from these models, and explain how these constructions are related to Jones’ subfactor theory.

We assume that the readers are familiar with the basic Hilbert space techniques such as the spectral theorem of bounded self-adjoint operators. Some familiarty with the basic notion of unbounded closed operators is also helpful. Important theorems about unbounded operators (spectral theorem, polar decomposition, Borel functional calculus, Stone’s theorem) and probably their proofs will be reviewed in class. The reference for this part is:

Spectral Theory for Strongly Commuting Normal Closed Operators

Lecture notes

Topics in Operator Algebras: Algebraic Conformal Field Theory


References (to be expanded)

