2023 Fall & 2024 Spring, Analysis I & II
Course description
This is a year-long course for first year undergraduate students in the Qiuzhen College of Tsinghua University. This is also my second time teaching this course. I plan to teach most of the same topics as last year, but with some minor adjustments, rearragements, and (hopefully) improvements. So you can check the Chinese lecture notes on this page to get a general idea about what might be taught in this class.
TA: Kai Qin (秦楷) Zibo Zhao (赵梓博)
Office hour: Thursday 15:00-17:00 or by appointment.
Office location: Shuangqing Complex Building (Block A) C648 (双清综合楼A座C648 双清食堂对面)
Grades: 25% Homework + 30% Midterm + 45% Final
Homework: Both Chinese and English can be used for writing homework. Your homework solutions should be combined into a single (pdf) file and submitted online to Web Learning-Work (网络学堂-课程作业). Do not upload more than one file, because this will make it more difficult for the TA to grade the assignment. You can easily find online tools for merging pdf files such as this one.
English lecture notes
The following lecture notes are the main reference for this course.
- Qiuzhen Lectures on Analysis
Please let me know if you find any typos or mistakes. This will help me improve the notes! See this page for some older versions of the lecture notes.
I will cover Chapter 1 very quickly (or even skip this chapter) in class. Therefore, I recommend that you skim through Chapter 1 before the first class to make sure you know these topics: unions and intersections of families of sets, functions, partial and total orders, equivalence relations, cardinality, countable sets, NxN and Q are countable, R is uncountable, etc..
Chinese lecture notes taken in the former semesters
These notes were taken by students attending my class in 2022 Fall and 2023 Spring.
Analysis I taken by Yi Li (李颐) in 2022 Fall.
Analysis II taken by Zhangteng Ouyang (欧阳张腾) in 2023 Spring.